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How to Downsize & Simplify Your Life: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Downsize & Simplify Your Life: A Comprehensive Guide

Maybe you are an empty nester with a big home that is filled with the stuff of yesterdayor perhaps you’re just overwhelmed with managing all your stuff.  Regardless of what age or stage of life you are in, it is never too early to take a step back and evaluate whether or not you can make life easier for yourself by deciding how to downsize and simplify your life.

The gradual collection of stuff.

Most of us spend our lives growing and accumulating belongings, we start out with an apartment, then a small house.  As our families grow and we experience more success, we acquire bigger homes.  As time passes, we continue to collect possessions. But sometimes, in our quest for a sense of achievement, we end up with more possessions than we really need or use. 

If this sounds like you, it may be time to take inventory of your home and its contents, and decide if your belongings are serving you, or just weighing you down. Also, just because your large home and complicated lifestyle might have been a good fit for you 5 or 10 years ago, doesn’t mean it still serves you well today. 

Many Americans simply own too much stuff.

According to a new study, a staggering half of all Americans have at least one room in their home that is not useable due to having too much stuff in it. In fact, an estimated 14.6 million households pay for some sort of storage outside of their home.  

These storage units come with a high monthly price tag. They also often come with a mental burdenknowing that you should deal with all that stuff instead of continuing to store and pay for it all.

How to downsize and simplify your life

Why downsizing and simplifying matters.

The thought of downsizing can feel daunting, therefore it can be tempting to want to put it off until later. I often work with older adults who have lived in their homes for 30+ years and have reached a stage in their lives, where they own a bigger home and more belongings than they can manage. 

They are often in the process of moving to smaller homes and have collected so much stuff throughout the years that the task of dealing with it all is overwhelming. They have waited too long to address their stuff.

When you simplify your home, you simplify your life.

Unfortunately, this process of “downsizing” into a smaller home with less stuff is often viewed in a negative light. Many individuals feel they have spent their whole lives working to acquire what they own, and now they have to let it go.

But downsizing, rightsizing, and letting go is a crucial step toward creating a more manageable and peaceful lifestyle for yourself. The process of downsizing and simplifying often leads to more freedom and less stress.

So looking at our overall quality of life, by owning less, we often end up with more. Letting go of what no longer serves our needs or fits our lifestyle can actually add to the quality of our lives.  So, it is better to downsize and simplify sooner rather than later.

Simplify your life by owning and maintaining less stuff.

There is a responsibility that goes along with managing our home and all its contents. Nothing we own is entirely free, everything comes at a cost and requires storage space, cleaning, and maintenance.  So letting go of that responsibility, especially those things we don’t use or that do not add to the quality of our lives, can be liberating and inspiring.  

Moving from a large high-maintenance home to a smaller one that better fits our present needs, can feel like lifting a large weight off our shoulders. So why do most of us avoid doing it?  Part of the reason is that our natural inclination is to seek more, whether in the form of more success, or more material belongings.  But that mentality does not always serve us well. 

How to downsize and simplify your life by living more intentionally.

Whether we are age 35 or 75, it’s never too early to start to simplify our homes and our belongings.  If you periodically take the time to assess and reduce your belongings throughout your life, you will avoid ever having to tackle a dreaded “downsizing” job in the future. 

The many benefits of downsizing and simplifying your life.

When you set your intentions to downsizing and simplifying your life, you’ll discover several key advantages:

1. Reduced stress:

Fewer possessions mean less time spent maintaining and cleaning your living space. You’ll reclaim hours previously lost to household management.  As you can imagine, those who live in a small, minimally furnished home, do not spend a lot of time cleaning and maintaining their space.

2. Increased peace of mind:

A clutter-free environment promotes mental clarity and reduces anxiety. Your home becomes more of a sanctuary rather than a source of stress.

3. Financial freedom:

Downsizing often means lower maintenance costs, reduced utility bills, and less money spent on unnecessary items. This means you’ll have more money to use towards experiences instead.

All you need is less sign.

Steps to downsizing and simplifying your life and home:

Take Inventory of Your Belongings:

Start by carefully examining the contents of your home. Ask yourself these critical questions.

    • Do I use this item regularly?
    • Does this item bring me joy or serve a specific purpose?
    • Would I buy this item again today?

Create a Systematic Approach:

    • Begin with one room or area at a time.
    • Sort items into categories: keep, donate, sell, and discard
    • Be ruthless in your decision-making.
    • Remember that letting go is a process, not a one-time event.
    • Follow through with getting the things you no longer use out of your home and dropping them off at a charity.

Evaluate your living space:

Consider whether your current home truly meets your needs.

    • Do you feel peaceful when you are at home?
    • Is your living space comfortable and functional?
    • Do you spend more time maintaining your home than enjoying it?
    • Would a smaller, more efficient space improve your quality of life?
    • Is there plenty of open space for energy to flow within your home?  Or have its rooms become suffocating, with too much furniture and other items?  

Adopt a Simplistic Mindset:

Shift your perspective from “What more do I need?” to “What don’t I need any more?” This mental transformation can help you

    • Simplify not just your home, but your entire lifestyle.
    • Reduce unnecessary obligations.
    • Focus on experiences rather than possessions.
    • Mindfully practice having gratitude for what you already have, rather than focusing on what you can acquire in order to be happy.

How to overcome the challenges of downsizing and simplifying your life:

Many people resist downsizing because

    • They view possessions as markers of success.
    • They feel overwhelmed by the process.
    • They have emotional attachments to their belongings.

Remember, downsizing is not about getting rid of everything, but about creating a life that feels lighter, more intentional, and more fulfilling.

The ongoing journey of simplification

Downsizing and simplifying your life is not a one-time event but a continuous process. Regularly reassess your belongings and lifestyle to ensure they align with your current needs and goals.

Final thoughts

In a world that constantly pushes us to do more, have more, and be more, learning how to downsize and simplify our lives is a radical act of self-care. By letting go of excess, you create space for what truly matters: peace, joy, and personal growth. Regardless of your age or stage in life, I encourage you to start small, be patient with yourself, and embrace the liberating journey of simplification.

If you feel perpetually overwhelmed with your lifestyle and belongings, know that you don’t have to live this way. You can learn to be satisfied with a simpler life, and come to cherish this carefree, less burdensome way of living.


The Simple Daisy Organizing

Laura Coufal

About Laura

Who I am is a Southern California turned small-town, Midwest Mom. I am wife to Bruce and mom to my three girls. I am also dog mom to Ollie and Gracie, (AKA Bubbas and Boo.)

Back when I first started my professional organizing journey in 2013, I had what I thought of as a dirty little secret. I have ADHD and although I am organized, and enjoy the process of sorting, and tidying. I knew that there were many others with ADHD who really struggled with staying organized. I had a case of imposter syndrome and mostly kept the fact that I had ADHD to myself. That is until I learned that there are other successful professional organizers who have also learned to compensate for their ADHD the same way that I have.

I eventually realized that my need for order and simplicity actually stems from having ADHD as a way to compensate for my short attention span. So my gifts and my challenges are all ironically tied together to create who I am,  and I am able to relate to and help others as a result of this coping method that I have developed for myself.

With a B.A. degree in Psychology, I have several years experience working with families and seniors. I believe in a holistic view to organizing. Clearing our minds of the clutter and chaos in our lives is just as important as clearing our physical clutter. By taking a holistic approach to organizing, we can make lasting change.

I also help those without ADHD, who struggle with too much clutter.  Because simplicity and less clutter are always at the heart of staying organized, there is much overlap when it comes to finding solutions to clutter and disorganization.

I am dedicated to keeping my life as simple as possible and to helping others do the same by teaching them how to declutter their homes, simplify their lives, and manage their busy families better.

I have been helping others stay organized since 2013.

It is my deepest hope that you will find resources here that will bring you closer to living a simpler, more intentional, and more peaceful life.


Overwhelmed With Clutter?  Get My Free Decluttering Kick-Start Kit and Start Making Progress Today! 

Feeling Stuck?
Schedule a coaching call, virtual organizing session, or a home assessment with me, and get the support and encouragement you need to move forward.
Girl on chair in front of computer.


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