ADHD Organizing Tips For Your Home: 19 Family-Friendly Ideas
19 ADHD organizing tips and strategies for your home.
These ADHD organizingĀ tips will help you keep your home and family organized:
Just because you have ADHD does not mean that you are doomed to struggle with keeping your home organized until the end of time. Having ADHD myself, not only am I able to keep my homeĀ mostlyĀ organizedĀ butĀ I honestlyĀ don’tĀ spend much time trying to keep it that way. The following ADHD organizing tips will help you create a home for your family that is supportive and functional.
Having an organized house is a realistic and achievable goal.Ā
The key is to implementĀ some well-thought-out strategies, helpful habits, and low-maintenance organizing systems. Reducing excess clutter is also an important component to staying organized.
ManyĀ of us with ADHDĀ are challengedĀ with many of the same commonĀ executive dysfunctions,Ā working memory, time management, short attention span, task initiation, etc.Ā butĀ ADHDĀ can manifest very differently for different people.Ā
For example, my biggest struggle might be withĀ time management,Ā whilstĀ you may handle thisĀ fairlyĀ well. MaybeĀ for you, it is aĀ biggerĀ challenge to stay on task and follow through with tasks without getting bored.
For this reason, some of these suggestions may workĀ well for you, and others may not – depending on how your unique brain works.Ā MyĀ aim here isĀ to offerĀ a somewhat comprehensive list of suggestions that typically work for those with ADHD. YouĀ can try the ones that resonate with you and leave the others behind.Ā Ā
Use the following ADHD organizing tips, tools, and tricks to set your home up for success and create a more supportive and functional home for your family:
1. EstablishĀ a launching pad to act as a visual reminder.
Create a system by the exit door to remember the items thatĀ need to go with you each day.Ā This works great for family members too, andĀ serves asĀ a visual reminder not to forgetĀ importantĀ items. PlaceĀ a bin or another container for each family member near the exit door. PlaceĀ things like lunches, anything you need to take to work with you, backpacks, instruments, coats, sports gear, etc.Ā thereĀ to grab as youĀ are walkingĀ out the door.Ā
ThisĀ should be doneĀ ahead of time or even the night before. By doing this, you will drastically reduce the chances of forgetting something.Ā ThisĀ isĀ personallyĀ one of my favorite tips because I am terrible at remembering things at the last minute. IĀ have all to doĀ justĀ to make sureĀ I have my car keys in hand as I walk out the door.Ā
2. StoreĀ things where you use them.
You want to store thingsĀ in such a way thatĀ they are super easy to retrieve and put away.Ā Ā Why not makeĀ clean-upĀ as simple as possible for yourself and your family? The easier it is to clean up, the more likely it is to get done.
ThinkĀ about the activitiesĀ that take place in each space in your home and store everything needed to perform that activity nearby.Ā For example, ifĀ you’reĀ a coffeeĀ drinkerĀ set up a coffee bar for yourself and store allĀ ofĀ the supplies needed to prepare a cup of coffee right there. StoreĀ the coffee mugs and thermos nearby as well. Now you have made coffee preparation and clean up a cinch.
3. Establish activity zones.
Every home functions better whenĀ the spaces within itĀ are separatedĀ into work or play zones.Ā Imagine a kindergarten room with separate areas designated for reading, painting, storytelling,Ā etcĀ ex.Ā Ā Ā
Consider what activities take place in all ofĀ the different areas of your home and store all ofĀ the items needed for that activity nearby.Ā Ā Use open bins and labeled containers to make retrieval andĀ cleanupĀ as easy as possible.

4. MakeĀ things visual to ensure that theyĀ are not forgotten.Ā
Place items for tasks that need toĀ be completedĀ in a visible spot.Ā ThisĀ will help you remember to do them.Ā ForĀ example, store medication that youĀ have to take every dayĀ in a bin corralled on your bathroom countertop to remind yourself to do them.Ā Ā
If you have an assignment that needs toĀ be completed, set it inĀ a highly visibleĀ place that will remind you to work on it. ManyĀ of us with ADHD are visually oriented, inĀ other words, we need to seeĀ it,Ā to remember to do it. WeĀ perpetuallyĀ live in a world of out of sight, out of mind.
5. DistinguishĀ between active and inactive clutter.Ā
Active clutter is the kind mentioned above. TheseĀ are items that you have placed in a visible location because you need to take someĀ sort ofĀ action on them.Ā
Inactive clutter refers to itemsĀ that have beenĀ sitting unused in theĀ sameĀ location forĀ a longĀ period. MaybeĀ itĀ doesn’tĀ have a homeĀ orĀ maybeĀ it does…and you justĀ haven’tĀ gotten around to putting it away. ThoseĀ of us with ADHD tend toĀ get overwhelmed with visual clutterfaster than those with neurotypical brains, so this is the kind of clutter you want to minimize for your own sake.Ā
6. See what tasks you can either automate or eliminate.
The less your brain has to remember each day, the easier it will be for you to keep up with recurring tasks. ForĀ example,Ā set up an automatic online system for paying bills and have your pharmacy automatically refill and mail your medications to your home each month.Ā
Consider investing in an automatic vacuum like aĀ RoombaĀ to vacuum for you each week. Today, there are lots of automation possibilities to help you keep up from week to week. ThinkĀ aboutĀ whatĀ other repetitive tasks you have on your plate that you can automate.Ā
Also, consider whetherĀ or not you have any high-maintenance possessions that may not be worth the effort. For example, a hot tub that requires a lot of work but rarely gets used.Ā The key is to simplify your life as much as possible.
7. RelyĀ on timers and other devices to help you remember to do things.Ā
I use alarms to help me remember to do many things I would otherwise forget. TheyĀ are what keeps me on track. YouĀ can ask Alexa to remind you to take the trash out, feed the dogs, go to the dentist, etc. Heck, she can even keep a running grocery list for you, whichĀ asĀ a bonus, will help youĀ keep your pantry organized. Phone alarms,Ā timers,Ā and devices likeĀ Alexa,Ā are excellent tools for helping us set reminders for daily tasks that need toĀ beĀ done.
TimersĀ and alarms can also help us manage our time better. Poor time management is anotherĀ common executive dysfunction among those with ADHD.Ā Ā You can use these tools to remind you thatĀ it’sĀ time to make supperĀ time for the kids to do homework or time for you to start getting ready for work.
8. EstablishĀ one family calendar to keep everyone organized.
UseĀ a highly visibleĀ family calendar system to help your family stay on top ofĀ things likeĀ appointments, deadlines, chores, and activities. HaveĀ one central calendar that everyone uses, whetherĀ that beĀ aĀ largeĀ white-board calendarĀ or a digital one like theĀ skylight calendarĀ whichĀ helps families stay on top of everything that needs to get done each week.Ā
ThisĀ will ensure that nothingĀ is forgottenĀ and there are no overlapping appointments. Place your calendar in a prominent area such as the kitchen, command center, or mud room.
Curtail paper clutter by establishing a designated landing spot for all the schoolwork that comes home with your children. If managing all the stuff that comes home with your kids each day is a challenge for you, read my other post, “The Simplest Way to Organize School Paperwork and Keepsakes.”
9. CreateĀ incentives to make household cleaning and organizing tasks more interestingĀ to execute.Ā
SinceĀ task initiation can be an issue forĀ both adults and children with ADHD, find ways to get around this by making household tasks more interesting.Ā Ā
For example, you can make a game out of tidying up or play music to make doing tasks more fun. CreateĀ a little healthy competition to motivate family members to get going. GiveĀ a small reward to the first child to finish cleaning their room or complete a chore.Ā Ā
You can also motivate yourself to get things doneĀ in the same wayĀ by incentivizing yourĀ ownĀ tasks. ListenĀ to a favorite podcast while you workĀ orĀ reward yourself whenĀ you’reĀ doneĀ with a nap or cup of tea.Ā Ā
10. DeclutterĀ regularly and ruthlessly.
WhenĀ ADHD and clutterĀ are paired, the struggle to stay organized often becomes even more pronounced. BeingĀ surrounded by clutter can be mentally draining for anyone, but for those of us with ADHD, visual clutter is even more overwhelming. ThatĀ is because we have a lower threshold for dealing with clutter in the first place.Ā
The more stuffĀ you own and have in your homeĀ theĀ harder it is to keep it all organized, so declutter often and regularly. IfĀ I could only give you one tip that would have theĀ greatest impact on staying organized and creating an ADHD-friendly home, it would be this one. Decluttering regularly is also your best defense against feeling overwhelmed as a mom with ADHD.

11.Ā Don’tĀ underestimate the value of sorting and containerizing.
By storingĀ all related items together in one location, youĀ will drastically reduce how much time you spend looking for things.Ā OnceĀ sorted, place groups of items in someĀ sort ofĀ storage container so that they stay together.Ā
Avoid storing similar items in multiple locations in your home. Its easier to remember where the light bulbs and batteries live, if they are all stored together in one place.Ā Do you ever catch yourself searching in several locations just to find something? Storing all like items together will also help you stay on top of your inventory.
I also recommend storing anything sturdy enough to standĀ up,Ā vertically instead of layingĀ flat.Ā Ā Not only does this make items easier to see but you can grab what you need without disheveling or lifting other items.
Susan Pinsky, the author ofĀ āOrganizing Solutions for People withĀ ADHDāĀ alsoĀ suggests thatĀ as you organize,Ā it is helpful to name your bins, shelves, and drawers.Ā ThisĀ will help you keep related items together. ForĀ example, store allĀ ofĀ your beverage koozies together, standing up in a small container, and place it in theĀ drinkĀ cabinet where you store your other beverage-related items.
12.Ā InĀ your pantry,Ā use bins to keep related food itemsĀ together.Ā
ThisĀ will make it much easier for you and your family to find things when they need them. ItĀ will also keep sorted food categories together longer.Ā
UseĀ clear, open-topped pantry binsĀ that haveĀ beenĀ labeledĀ and take food out of their outer packages so that everything is easy to see and to grab quickly.Ā ThisĀ will discourage disheveling and make things easy toĀ find,Ā quickly.
Those with ADHD can be impulsive, remedyĀ this byĀ organizing foods so that healthier items are easy to get to and unhealthy snacks require more work. PlaceĀ fruit cups, nuts, and other healthy choices at eye level and put cookies, chips, and candy on a higher shelf so they are notĀ soĀ easy to grab.Ā
Use an expandable tiered shelfĀ to store canned food so you can see everything you have. YourĀ goal is not to have to look for anything that is hiding behind something else. AvoidĀ overstocking your pantryĀ soĀ that youĀ don’tĀ run out of space and lose control of your inventory. RereadĀ tip number 10Ā again,Ā because this is the mother of all organizing tips!Ā
13. HaveĀ aĀ place for everythingĀ you ownĀ so that you canĀ find things and put them awayĀ easily.
Assigning permanent homes to everything you own ensures that clutterĀ is kept at bay and time is not wasted looking for things. It is alsoĀ importantĀ toĀ make sure thatĀ other family members know where thingsĀ are located.Ā Ā Reinforce the rule that everything has a homeĀ andĀ itemsĀ need toĀ be returned to their permanent homes when they are notĀ beingĀ used.
14.Ā DonātĀ put things off until the lastĀ minute.
āGiven that my ADHD makes me forgetful, and I know this about myself, I compensate for this by preparing for things ahead of time.Ā ThatĀ wayĀ ifĀ there are any surprises or I realize I forgot something,Ā I’veĀ got some cushion.Ā
Just as it is much less stressful not to wait until the last minute to do a homework assignment, it promotes peace to get predictable, scheduled activitiesĀ out of the wayĀ ahead of time rather than waiting until the last minute. ForĀ Example: Shopping for SaturdayĀ nightāsĀ dinner party well in advance rather than waiting until SaturdayĀ morning,Ā allows extra time for any unexpected snags that might pop up.
15. Lean in to yourĀ family’sĀ dumping habits.
See if you can find a way to store things where they tend to land rather than constantly moving things to a different location. IfĀ shoes seem to end up by the back door, put aĀ shoe rackĀ there. If coats or backpacks constantly land on the chair near the front door, install a hook rackĀ on the wallĀ near there. Install single hooks in places where towels, purses or robes seem to land.
Does paperwork clutter your kitchen counter? GetĀ someĀ decorative basketsĀ or bins to hide it inĀ orĀ put aĀ hanging paperwork organizerĀ on a nearby wall.Ā Notice where clutter seems to gather and see if you can find a way to store those itemsĀ where theyĀ are easy to grab and put away.
16. CreateĀ a daily 10-minute family tidying session.
This one trick will go a long way in keeping your home organizedĀ from day to day. GetĀ your family in the habit of participating in a 10-minute family tidying session at the same time each day, perhaps right before or after supper.Ā
YouāllĀ be surprised how quickly your home can go from messy to orderly when everyone pitches in and works together for just 10 minutes.
You can also make it fun by playing music.Ā When the music stops, everyone can stop tidying. UseĀ caution not to overstep the 10-minute rule. IfĀ 10 minutes turns into 30 minutes, your family might become reluctant to participate.
17. RemoveĀ barriers to make unfun but necessary tasksĀ easierĀ to do.
If there are activities you want to encourage yourself or your family to do, make it easier to do them.Ā If your car is always a mess because trash builds up, place a trash can in your garage right next to your car to make getting rid of trash easier.
As an additional reinforcement, the trashcan willĀ act asĀ a visual reminder not to leave your car without dumping the trash from thatĀ day’sĀ travels. InĀ the same way, if trash buildup is a problem in your home, place a trashcan in everyĀ singleĀ room to make for easy dumping. IfĀ laundry on the floor isĀ a problem,Ā placeĀ a laundry bin in every bedroom and bathroom.
18. StoreĀ thingsĀ simply and avoid micro-organizing.
Focus on organizing things soĀ that they are superĀ easy to find, access, and put away quickly. LeaveĀ tops off of storage containers for easy access. AvoidĀ stacking things onĀ top ofĀ each other or placing frequently used items in hard-to-reach areas.Ā
Overcrowding and over nesting make thingsĀ hardĀ to put away and retrieve. OnceĀ a space like a cabinet or closet has exceeded its maximum capacity,Ā that space becomes much less user-friendly and functional. Avoid storing small items in the back of cabinets behind other things, they’ll just get lost and forgotten about.
Also, if your organizing systems are too complicated, they will require too much time and effort to maintain.Ā ForĀ example,Ā it may sound like a great idea to storeĀ all of your spices in little labeled glass jars.Ā ButĀ will youĀ really take the time to refill it all regularly? In the same way, a simple filing system for paperwork with a limited number of main categories is better than one with numerous confusing categories and subcategories.Ā Ā
19. What other habits can you establish to keep your home organized?
Forming habits,Ā such as doing homework and household tasksĀ at the same timeĀ every day, can help you and your family feel more in control.Ā HabitsĀ give us a sense of security and predictabilityĀ that make our lives feelĀ less chaotic.Ā
Keep in mind that if youĀ reallyĀ want to create lasting change and create a more ADHD-friendly home for yourself long-term,Ā you’llĀ need to stick with and practice these suggestions.Ā Ā ResistĀ giving up on the tips that require new habit formation too soon – especially if you know follow-through is a struggleĀ for you. BeĀ patient with yourself. ItĀ takes 21 days to create a habit, butĀ good habitsĀ are at the heart of staying organized with ADHD.
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About Laura
Who I am is a Southern California turned small-town, Midwest Mom. I am wife to Bruce and mom to my three girls. I am also dog mom to Ollie and Gracie, our quirky pups.
With a B.A. degree in Psychology, I have several years experience working with families and seniors. I believe in a holistic view to organizing. Clearing our minds of the clutter and chaos in our lives is just as important as clearing our physical clutter. By taking a holistic approach to organizing, we can make lasting change.
Back when I first started my professional organizing journey in 2013, I had what I thought of as a dirty little secret. I have ADHD and although I am organized, and enjoy the process of sorting, and tidying. I knew that there were many others with ADHD who really struggled with staying organized. I had a case of imposter syndrome and mostly kept the fact that I had ADHD to myself. That is until I learned that there are other successful professional organizers who have also learned to compensate for their ADHD the same way that I have.
I eventually realized that my need for order and simplicity actually stems from having ADHD as a way to compensate for my short attention span. So my gifts and my challenges are all ironically tied together to create who I am,Ā and I am able to relate to and help others as a result of this coping method that I have developed for myself.
I also help those without ADHD, who struggle with too much clutter.Ā Because simplicity and less clutter are always at the heart of staying organized, there is much overlap when it comes to finding solutions to clutter and disorganization.
I am dedicated to keeping my life as simple as possible and to helping others do the same by teaching them how to declutter their homes, simplify their lives, and manage their busy families better.
I have been helping others stay organized since 2013.
It is my deepest hope that you will find resources here that will bring you closer to living a simpler, more intentional, and more peaceful life.
Want Room-By-Room Guidance with Decluttering and Organizing Your Home?
My Complete Step-By-Step Home Makeover Tutorial for Those with ADHD is now available. Click below to learn more about how you can get support from me just as if I were working there with you in your home.

Feeling Stuck?
Schedule a coaching call, virtual organizing session, or a home assessment with me, and get the support and encouragement you need to move forward.

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